Integrating Your Scripts
One feature that the current vMenu lacks is the accessibility & bridge between which is something we’ve personally had to make custom edits to the source code for which of course our goal is to take away the need to repeatedly edit the source code and break it down to provide easy to use events, exports and other integration ready features for developers and server owners to plug and play as they need.
The action event provides different actions that we have added triggers for inside of vMenu so that you can listen to updates on other resources and in combination with our other exports, block actions or log usage. An example use case is for updating the consumption rate of fuel when infinite fuel is enabled.
Action Logging
---@class logAction
---@field action string
---@field data table
AddEventHandler("vMenu:Integrations:Action", function(action, data)
if action == "infinitefuel" then
---@field enabled boolean
lib.print.debug("Infinite Fuel: " .. tostring(data.enabled))
elseif action == "licenseplate" then
---@field handle integer
---@field plate string
lib.print.debug("License Plate Updated: " .. data.handle .. " - " .. data.plate)
Example Usage:
if doesTextContainBlacklistedWord(data.plate) then
SetVehicleNumberPlateText(data.handle, "PLATE")
elseif action == "noclip" then
---@field enabled boolean
lib.print.debug("NoClip: " .. tostring(data.enabled))
elseif action == "playernames" then
---@field enabled boolean
lib.print.debug("Player Names: " .. tostring(data.enabled))
elseif action == "playerblips" then
---@field enabled boolean
lib.print.debug("Player Blips: " .. tostring(data.enabled))
By default, vMenu will use ox_lib notifications.
You can disable this and use the base GTA notifications by changing vmenu_using_custom_notify
in your config/permissions.cfg
This is just our template notify function using ox_lib’s notifications with some custom styling for different noti types. (Edit this in config/config_client
You can modify this as you like - or replace it entirely with an export to your resource.
Notify = function(title, msg, ntype, time)
-- these are just different examples i did for ox_lib, you can change these of course how you like
if ntype == "error" then
title = title,
description = msg,
position = 'center-right',
style = {
backgroundColor = '#141517',
color = '#C1C2C5',
['.description'] = {
color = '#909296'
icon = 'ban',
iconColor = '#C53030'
elseif ntype == "alert" then
title = title,
description = msg,
position = 'center-right',
style = {
backgroundColor = "#ff963b",
color = "#000000",
[".description"] = {
color = "#000000"
icon = "fa-solid fa-triangle-exclamation",
iconColor = "#C53030"
title = title,
description = msg,
type = ntype,
duration = time,
position = "center-right"
We use exports so that we can return a value to the resource providing you as the developer the ability to easily block actions. Common examples include the blocking of spawning vehicles and weapons inside of jail or whilst restrained (cuffed/ziptied).
Alternatively, you can block the usage of staff permissions like names & blips when a user is not clocked in by talking to your duty script via exports.
---@class canDoInteraction
---@field action string
---@return boolean Returns true if the player can do the interaction, false otherwise
exports("canDoInteraction", function(action)
if action == "spawnvehicle" then
elseif action == "refillammo" then
elseif action == "spawnweapon" then
elseif action == "spawnloadout" then
elseif action == "noclip" then
elseif action == "nightvision" then
elseif action == "thermalvision" then
elseif action == "playernames" then
elseif action == "playerblips" then
if not exports.StaffDuty.ClockedIn() then
-- This would block the player from activating player blips
return false
return true -- Always leave as true, and handle each interaction type as needed with an if statement.
Temporary Outfit Loading
This loads the outfit from the code and applies it to the current player’s ped.
This will not modify any saved data and is intended for temporary functionality like setting a jail outfit or for jobs, worker outfits.
local JAIL_OUTFITCODE = 1445
-- This is a fake event, you would integrate this into your script where needed
RegisterNetEvent("Interactions:PlayerJailed", function()
local jobOutfits = {
["cafe"] = 9451,
["janitor"] = 4612
RegisterNetEvent("Jobs:ClockedIn", function(jobName)
local changeOutfit = jobOutfits[jobName]
if changeOutfit then
-- if an outfit exists for this job